A variety of engaging session types across the programme

The ISHA 2025 Annual Scientific Meeting aims to offer something for everyone.

Top Research Presentations

A new feature for 2025, submitters of top-ranking abstracts will be given the opportunity to present their work in "top research" sessions, bringing to the fore the most groundbreaking findings in the hip preservation space. See the Abstracts tab for information on how to submit your research.

Instructional Course Lectures

ICLs represent an essential part of the education offered at ISHA's Annual Scientific Meeting and aim to familiarise attendees with the most recent knowledge and techniques in hip preservation. Got an ICL idea to share? Please see the ICLs tab for information on how to submit your proposal.

Keynote Lectures

A number of prominent hip experts will be sharing keynote lectures as part of the plenary sessions during ISHA 2025, including the Presidential Guest Speaker invited by ISHA President John J Christoforetti. Come along to learn from their expertise and draw inspiration from their experience.


ISHA welcomes vigorous debate of the latest trends and practices in hip preservation, as that is how advancement is achieved. Join us for a debate session featuring experts from a variety of backgrounds, and join in yourself via audience Q&A.

Case Discussions

Join our panels of renowned experts for in-depth discussion of real-life complex cases, where there will additionally be opportunities for the audience to ask questions.

 Re-Live Surgery Sessions

A popular element of ISHA's offering is its innovative re-live surgeries. Witness some of the most prominent hip surgeons performing surgical procedures, with explanation and moderation by specialist faculty in the room.

Basics Sessions

New to hip preservation? Keep a look out for our sessions aimed at trainees and early careerists, which look in more detail at the basics of hip preservation with the assistance of experienced colleagues.

Fireside Chats

New for 2025, delegates will be able to enjoy fireside chat-style sessions during coffee breaks, offering the opportunity to pick up further research insights and top tips in a more informal setting.

Meet the Expert Sessions

Take advantage of the chance to meet some of the most prominent experts in hip preservation and ask your burning questions as part of these new, informal breaktime sessions.

 Partner Symposia

Partner Societies will be partnering with ISHA to host symposia sessions, each featuring talks and discussions on hot topics and key cases in hip preservation and bringing in the perspectives of their members from around the globe.

Trainee Award Presentations

ISHA welcomes award applications from residents and fellows that have submitted an abstract for a study related to hip preservation. Award finalists will present their research throughout the scientific programme, before the winners are announced during the Closing Ceremony. Please see the Awards tab for information on how to apply.

Special Interest Sessions

A number of special interest sessions will be integrated into the ISHA 2025 scientific programme, so that there is something for everyone. For example, for the first time in 2025 there will be a dedicated hip/spine session. Please see the At A Glance tab for further session information.

ASHA/JSHA Sessions

ISHA is delighted to be partnering this year with the Japanese Society of Hip Arthroscopy (JSHA) and Asia Society of Hip Arthroscopy & Preservation (ASHA), who will lead parallel sessions as part of the ISHA 2025 scientific programme.

Industry Sponsored Spotlight Sessions

The ISHA 2025 programme will feature lunchtime spotlight sessions hosted by some of ISHA's industry partners and supported by key opinion leaders.


Electronic posters (ePosters) are another way in which surgeons and researchers can present their research projects and results to a wide audience. Posters will be made available to delegates during the conference on interactive screens. Abstracts are invited for ePoster presentation; please see the Abstracts tab for further information.

ISHA 2025 Annual Scientific Meeting

c/o Warrender House, Haywood Road

Moffat,  DG10 9BU, UK

P: +44 (0)203 519 9427


© Copyright 2025, ISHA Annual Scientific Meeting 2025 Limited

Registered Office: C/O Tc Group The Courtyard, Shoreham Road, Upper Beeding, Steyning, West Sussex, United Kingdom, BN44 3TN

Company Registration Number: 15626901